

Do mushrooms have seeds?

No, they don't. Mushrooms and toadstools have things called spores instead. These tiny spores drop to the ground and grow into copies of their parent mushroom. The wind also carries the tiny spores far and wide, so mushrooms grow wherever they land.

Mushroom alert!
Never pick mushrooms. They could be poisonous.

Important fungi
Mushrooms and toadstools are part of the fungus family. This fungus, called beefsteak fungus, grows on trees. It looks just like a piece of uncooked steak!

A mushy joke
What's the smallest room in the world?
   The mushroom!

Mushroom facts
  • Some members of the fungus family have great names such as, stinkhorns, earthstars, and puffballs.
  • The largest mushroom ever found was in Ohio. It was 77 inches wide and weighed 72 pounds.

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