

How is chocolate made?

It is made from the beans of the cocoa tree, which grows in the hot, steamy rain forests of South America and Africa. The beans are picked and sent to factories. There they are toasted in large ovens to bring out their flavor. Then the beans are squashed and turned into a thick liquid, called cocoa mass. Sugar and milk are sometimes added to make the chocolate sweeter.

Delicious fun!
What's huge, brown, and tastes delicious?
  A chocolate dinosaur.

Inside the chocolate factory
The chocolate mix is sent to candy factories where it is turned into all kinds of tasty delights. Machines shape the candy, and people check that the machines do the job properly. They even get to taste the candy as well!

Chocolate facts
  • The first people to enjoy chocolate were the Aztec people of Mexico. They mixed the ground-up beans to make a thick, bitter, frothy drink called chocolate.
  • After the Spanish arrived in Mexico, they took the idea of chocolate drinks back to Europe. They added sugar and vanilla to make them sweeter.

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