

Why do we need rain forest?

Rain forests keep our air clean by taking in gases that are harmful to us. They also control the world's weather by releasing moisture into the air which falls as rain. But thousands of acres of rain forests are cut down each year so that people can use the wood and farm the land that is cleared. Many people are worried about what will happen if the rain forests disappear.

Rain forest people
People have been living in rain forests for thousands of years. They have learned to live with the forests and not to destroy them.

Fruits of the forest
We also need rain forests because many medicines are made from plants which can't be found anywhere else. There are a lot more plants there waiting to be discovered.

Remarkable rain forest facts
  • Rain forests help to stop flooding by soaking up water and holding it in the ground.
  • Rain forests are home to thousands of people, animals, and plants that can't live anywhere else.

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